Friday, 18 March 2016

Clean Grout with Best Cleaner Ever

home a/c repair 94513
Good Morning ScraPerfect friends! Chelsea here to share a Best Cleaner Ever test! A lot of us have the issue of  cleaning grout in between tiles on our floors, shower stall walls or bath surrounds. I have tried soap and water, Vim, Tilex and even straight Bleach. Nothing would get the grout this clean, this fast...and I didn't like the chemical odors from those other products either . Everything seemed to lift the top surface layer off but nothing deep cleaned the grout on my powder room ceramic tiled floor.  This is a high traffic area for my family. As we know, grout is a porous substance which seems to soak up dirt. At least it does in my home!  The BCE digs deep down and starts to remove the deep stains. 

Lets get into the tutorial and show you the before and after! 

To begin, I used a damp piece of paper towel to remove any dust from the tiles and grout. I then dried it with a dry piece of paper towel.

Next, I sprayed 2-3 sprays of BCE over the grout area and let it sit for 25 minutes. 

Taking an old toothbrush, I scrubbed the grout back and forth as well as in a circular motion for exactly 2 minutes. As you can see there were immediate results. Taking a dry piece of paper towel I removed the excess BCE and dirt. A lot of the dirt had been lifted with only one application!  Woot Woot!!!

I wanted to see how the BCE would do with a second round of application to the same area.  I sprayed the BCE 2-3 times on the same area and let it sit to do it's magic for another 25 mins . Even if it looked clean a small amount of black came out the second time. 

Here is the BEFORE and AFTER. Isn't it amazing!

Let us know on our Facebook page what household items you have cleaned with the Best Cleaner Ever!

Thanks for stopping by!

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